Sunday, 7 September 2014

Archeage - Every Hero Has to Start Somewhere

Archeage Open Beta

    So I was hanging out with my new-found friends at the Angry Joe Army (AJA) playing Planetside 2, when I was introduced to this new game called ArcheAge. I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed by what I have been able to enjoy in the Open Beta this past weekend and I even decided to support the creators by purchasing the "Silver Founder's Pack" and subscribe monthly to the game and become a "Patron."

     Additionally, I have decided to really get into the spirit of things and start up this blog where I will be posting as much content I can about my adventures throughout my time playing Archeage. More specifically, my adventures as "Aanatu, the Firran Darkrunner."

Darkrunner - Aanatu: Where did it start?

    I started play during the weekend of Sept 6-7th and immediately began working through different class combinations and trying to figure out what I wanted to play as in the game. With such a robust class and combo system I really wanted to make sure that I would be able to find something that would give me my favorite "experience" when I played the game; with a major focus on PVP.
    This is when I came across a fantastic Darkrunner PVP youtube video that depicted a player by the name of "Shadows" kicking some serious ass with the exact kind of combat style I liked. Fast-paced melee combat, heavy-hitting 2-handed weapon use, with the added utility of stealth and buff-spells. WOW!

    Aanatu, the Firran Darkrunner was born! I had tried many different classes but I knew then and there that this was what I was looking for and from now on, I look forward to mastering this class/combo set and contributing as much as I can to the online community in regards to where I find success and even failures in Archeage.

Archeage PVP - Aanatu's Future

    As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, the future of Aaantu is that through his adventures, I will be posting a lot of content in the form of youtube videos, screenshots, written guides, etc when it comes to Archeage. I do this in the hopes that any future Darkrunners that come along will be able to learn from my best moments and also my mistakes, and that they can become the most feared warriors on the battlefield!

Of course, I would love nothing more than to get feedback from my readers. Please comment (I reply to everything and what you have to say could lead to future videos and blog posts) and share what you think is worthy content for other Archeage players.




  1. I happened upon your thread in the forums! Welcome to ArcheAge, I am MitiS of Kyrios server. Hopefully you play Kyrios, we might run into each other if I choose Firran!

  2. Thanks for the warm welcome, and I will be playing on the Kyrios server with my guild! I hope to be doing some and really well edited videos to showcase as much of the game as possible. I will add you in game as well :)
