Sunday, 12 October 2014

6 Darkrunner Tips: Things I Have Learned So Far

6 Darkrunner Tips

1. Darkrunner's biggest strength is in bursting someone down 1v1 and gets beaten down badly in group combat

Since I hit lvl 50, I have been enjoying Open World PVP during wars and also when helping my fellow guildmates out. Honestly, there is nothing more satisfying then 3-hit combo-ing my enemies into the dirt, but when it comes to going up against more than 1 person I get crushed everytime. 'Melee glass cannon'

2. Darkrunner's sole goal is to reach an opponent and bash his head in.

Teleport, Drop Back (spin camera to reverse direction), slow and stun break (Bondbreaker and Shrug It Off), multiple closers (Charge, Overwhelm, soon Behind Enemy Lines), multiple pulls that are generally not used (Vicious Implosion, Lasso), and offense from every source. All of these are great mobility tools to get yourself into position to absolute mash the crap out of whoever your single target is.

Stealth to get in position, burst down to seal the deal. It's a top-tier ganker in my opinion for that reason, and very popular in the arena. At the same time, it's a melee class with mediocre defenses and mediocre CC. You get in, you kill someone, and you get out. If an enemy is in a pile of others, you don't have many options, and while you can kill them if your team manages to spread them out and isolate someone, you're not going to be the one to do it.

3. Darkrunner Style? Get to know which style you are going to be playing. 2handed or Dual wield

End game dualwield is just better in my opinion, especially when you consider the hasla weapons because swords give a chance when you get hit to parry the next attack. The 2h axe is just a bleed, which is nice but you don't have near as much survivability. Plus the dual wield passive in battlerage will count for parrying ranged attacks which will help you kill primevals, your worst enemy, a lot easier.

I have heard a good suggestion of running a 2handed nodachi or a 2handed spear (more RNG crits, spears have a chance to ignore all defense and buffs)

As for gear, almost always leather. Leather set bonus is really good. Plate works ok sometimes but leaves you very weak against mages.

4. The Darkrunner ROTATION
Your opener it should always be stalkers mark, the 20% dmg bonus is ridiculous.
As for your rotation, there are a couple very good combos. One of the one-trick ponies is:
Shadowtep, Leech (sleep ability from auramancy), pop PVP-nodachi (I'll explain this later), dropback, charge, triple slash(only one hit),sunder earth,whirlwind slash,overwhelm, shadowsmite, precision strike.
Now this is a very long rotation, but during the entirity of this rotation any enemy who doesn't have auramancy or a pvp cloak will be stunlocked.
There are all kinds of variations to that rotation, but this chain is like a one-trick-pony thing. You can just overwhelm->shadowsmite->precisionstrike if you want a quick amount of damage in.

This is the basic stuff that I have been using myself, and should help you get started... but not to say there aren't better combos out there.

5. Darkrunner Nodachi
The pvp-nodachi is very powerfull, you can buy it at the honor point trader, and you can swap mid-combat to it. I suggest swapping to it to pop the use, then swapping back to your main hand. You can keybind your weapons on your hotbar to do this efficiently.

6. More Rotation Info
Lasso is a situational skill, I love it to pull enemies who flee back to me. You can replace this with either terryfying roar or thwart as you see fit.
Now for the last part, your buffs, freerunner is a no-brainer, insane mobility + tons of agility. Battlefocus is vital in any engagement to get the extra parry (which can pop the passive from battlerage to get your CD's back). YOUR STRONGEST BUFF IS BY FAR FRENZY. ANY DARKRUNNER SHOULD USE THIS!
Frenzy is insanely powerfull against archers. against anyone really. It can stack up to 10 times, at 10 stacks, you will hit 6k precision strikes even with terrible gear. Some people say it's broken, I think it is as well situationally. It comes with a stun after 35 seconds which is a downside, but in those 35 seconds if you couldn't kill your enemy, you deserve to die really.

Things have been quite crazy with the server issues and also trying to get to 50 so that I can stream some solid content and make some great videos for the Darkrunner class. I will be working on getting a regular schedule going soon!

Until then, cheers, and thanks for reading!

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Archeage Queue Problems

The Wonderful Archeage Launch!

   So, I have been enjoying this game on-and-off now for the past week since launch, and it has not been without its ups-and-downs.

   My first issue, is with the 'land-grab gong show' that was the start of the launch. Everyone was rushing to quickly acquire the in-game currency of Gilda in order to get their first 'small garden and home' put down. Why? Land is limited, that's why. Unlike most MMORPG's where the player housing is either instanced or can be placed anywhere, this game has tiny little areas throughout the world that you can place your buildings and structures.
   This led to many people being left without a farm or home, which is a serious pain in the ass. Luckily, I was able to get both down.

People Waiting in Line for a Quest! Just... wow... *facepalm*

   My second issue. Those that could get in, specifically those that were of the Firran persuasion, had many questing bottle-knecks where there was only one mob to kill or one item to pick up... and of course... there are hundreds of people stacked on each other in an attempt to complete the quest. Tab-targetting combat, combined with a 'first-to-tag gets the reward' system for killing mobs, left me feeling like it was more work than it was worth getting through the early content during the rush.

   Now, if all of this wasn't just the icing on the cake... many of my guildmates (including myself) cannot even log into the game because of the sheer saturation of players on many of the servers. To top that off, those that haven't been able to log in to our guild's server of choice can no longer create new characters and join the server as that has been locked by the powers that be.

All in all, I have had a bad experience with the game. But damn if I don't enjoy the content I have played when I have been able to get in. Catch 22?

I will let you know how things are going soon, and produce more content once this launch issue has passed and we start to see some stablizing to the servers!



Monday, 8 September 2014

ArcheAge Leveling Guides - A Great Tool to Help You Level Faster

ArcheAge Leveling Guides

This guide will detail levelling from 1-50 for all races via questing. You could call it a "quest walk through" if you wish, but this seems to be the fastest way of levelling available at launch. It is not a guide designed to teach you how to play your class.

This guide was designed during Alpha (July/August 2014), so it may change with new content, or it may be abandoned and not updated.

All files are hosted on and are available in .pdf format only.

How to use this guide
If you download a complete guide, you are set. You don't need to do anything else.
If you download guide by zone, scroll down to get to your specific race. Download those guides which will take you to level 30. Then head down to the shared guides and find your faction's guide for 30-32. After that, go to the "All Races Shared Guide" section to continue to max level, regardless of race.

Complete Guides
The Complete Nuian Levelling Guide
The Complete Elven Levelling Guide
The Complete Harani Levelling Guide
The Complete Firran Levelling Guide

Nuian Specific Guides
Level 1-10 - Solzreed Peninsula
Level 11-14 - Liyut Hills
Level 15-19 - Dewstone Plains
Level 20-23 - White Arden
Level 24-26 - Marianople
Level 27-29 - Two Crowns

Elf Specific Guides
Level 1-10 - Gweonid Forest
Level 11-14 - Liyut Hills
Level 15-19 - Dewstone Plains
Level 20-23 - White Arden
Level 24-26 - Marianople
Level 27-29 - Two Crowns

Harani Specific Guides
Level 1-10 - Arcum Isis
Level 11-14 - Tigerspine Mountains
Level 15-19 - Mahadevi
Level 20-23 - Solis Headlands
Level 24-26 - Villanelle
Level 27-29 - Silent Forest

Firran Specific Guides
Level 1-10 - Falcorth Plains
Level 11-14 - Tigerspine Mountains
Level 15-19 - Mahadevi
Level 20-23 - Solis Headlands
Level 24-26 - Villanelle
Level 27-29 - Silent Forest

Nuian/Elf Shared Guides
Level 30-32 - Cinderstone Moore

Harani/Firran Shared Guides
Level 30-32 - Ynystere

All Races Shared Guide
Level 33-34 - Halcyona
Level 35-37 - Hellswamp
Level 38-40 - Sanddeep
Level 41-42 - Rookborne Basin
Level 43-44 - Windscour Savannah
Level 45-46 - Perinoor Ruins
Level 47-48 - Hasla
Level 49-50 - Karkasse Ridgelands

Mad props go to Meliran, the creator of all this content. I felt the need to share this on my blog for all of my readers so that they can use this if it helps them to progress easier in ArcheAge.

(Original forum post here: )



Sunday, 7 September 2014

Archeage - Every Hero Has to Start Somewhere

Archeage Open Beta

    So I was hanging out with my new-found friends at the Angry Joe Army (AJA) playing Planetside 2, when I was introduced to this new game called ArcheAge. I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed by what I have been able to enjoy in the Open Beta this past weekend and I even decided to support the creators by purchasing the "Silver Founder's Pack" and subscribe monthly to the game and become a "Patron."

     Additionally, I have decided to really get into the spirit of things and start up this blog where I will be posting as much content I can about my adventures throughout my time playing Archeage. More specifically, my adventures as "Aanatu, the Firran Darkrunner."

Darkrunner - Aanatu: Where did it start?

    I started play during the weekend of Sept 6-7th and immediately began working through different class combinations and trying to figure out what I wanted to play as in the game. With such a robust class and combo system I really wanted to make sure that I would be able to find something that would give me my favorite "experience" when I played the game; with a major focus on PVP.
    This is when I came across a fantastic Darkrunner PVP youtube video that depicted a player by the name of "Shadows" kicking some serious ass with the exact kind of combat style I liked. Fast-paced melee combat, heavy-hitting 2-handed weapon use, with the added utility of stealth and buff-spells. WOW!

    Aanatu, the Firran Darkrunner was born! I had tried many different classes but I knew then and there that this was what I was looking for and from now on, I look forward to mastering this class/combo set and contributing as much as I can to the online community in regards to where I find success and even failures in Archeage.

Archeage PVP - Aanatu's Future

    As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, the future of Aaantu is that through his adventures, I will be posting a lot of content in the form of youtube videos, screenshots, written guides, etc when it comes to Archeage. I do this in the hopes that any future Darkrunners that come along will be able to learn from my best moments and also my mistakes, and that they can become the most feared warriors on the battlefield!

Of course, I would love nothing more than to get feedback from my readers. Please comment (I reply to everything and what you have to say could lead to future videos and blog posts) and share what you think is worthy content for other Archeage players.

